What Can a Health Care Professional Do to Stop Substance Abuse?

Drug use has evolved into an increasingly alarming concern across the globe, and distressingly, its trajectory indicates a worsening state. As addiction’s grasp tightens, a unified endeavor becomes imperative to address this wide-reaching predicament. Employing a multifaceted approach that amalgamates prevention, treatment, and enforcement holds promise in curbing the progression of drug use. Public education campaigns can illuminate the perils of substance abuse, while the provision of accessible and evidence-based addiction treatment can guide individuals toward recovery.

Simultaneously, implementing more stringent prescription guidelines and targeting illegal drug supply networks can curtail the availability of these substances.

Furthermore, the significance of the StreetRx program cannot be overstated in this endeavor. By meticulously tracking street prices and drug trends, it assumes the role of an early warning system, facilitating informed decision-making and efficient allocation of resources.

For example, examining the street value of Oxycontin (which is a frequently misused drug) can provide valuable insights into the prevailing patterns of misuse. This awareness, in turn, can inform the development of more impactful policies aimed at deterring substance abuse.

Alternatively, to solve this problem, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is promoting National Drug and Alcohol Awareness Month and National Nurses Week through an initiative called “Nurses Making a Difference.” This campaign encourages healthcare providers to provide naloxone, a fast-acting opioid reversal drug, to patients who have overdosed on prescription or illicit opioid drugs. Naloxone can reverse the effects of an overdose, restoring normal breathing and bringing the patient back to life.

Recovery from substance abuse is no easy feat-and stopping addiction is even harder. That’s why finding a healthcare professional is important to help you focus on your addiction recovery. A mental health counselor can help you understand why you have substance abuse problems and what steps you can take to start recovery.


Detoxification is when the body undergoes withdrawal and removal of all substances, whether drugs or alcohol. It is when the body undergoes withdrawal and removal of all substances, whether drugs or alcohol. Detoxification is the first step of treatment for substance abuse. The process is actually done by a professional healthcare practitioner.

Inpatient/residential rehab

When finding help for addiction, most people immediately think of a treatment program that will require them to stay for an extended period. Inpatient/residential rehab is one of the health care professionals that help people recover from addiction, whatever the problem may be. Today’s technology has enabled such services and providers to tie up with a convenient Mobile EMS Healthcare Model which aims to enhance accessibility in cases of emergencies, which means more people may be able to get the help they need. There are also many other types of rehab that may work in your favor. Here are the other main types of treatment, including outpatient/partial hospitalization, detox, and sober living.

Outpatient rehab

An outpatient rehab facility provides Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) that include addiction treatment without requiring you to live at the facility full-time. This kind of rehab is an excellent option for people who need the flexibility of work or school recovery, people who can’t make overnight trips home, and those who just need a little help getting themselves to treatment. Nowadays, there are many reputed outpatient rehab centers (such as this IOP Phoenix center) that are offering help to those who are struggling with addiction to make their lives better.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the primary therapies used to help people suffering from substance abuse, and it’s one of the most effective. According to SAMHSA, there are 3 types of CBT: bibliotherapy, cognitive restructuring, and strategic reframing. Cognitive restructuring is a type of therapy in which you’re challenged to change how you view your situation. For example, you’re asked to identify the problem and then think of a solution. You’re also asked to change your pessimistic thinking. Many treatment facilities like The Dawn (which seems to be the best drug rehab in Thailand) appear to be using this as a method to help their customers beat their addiction and restart their life.

Dialectal behavioral therapy

One of the effective psychotherapies for substance abuse is dialectical behavioral therapy. This treatment approach is based on the understanding that addictions are caused by a combination of an individual’s internal thoughts and behaviors, as well as external factors and situations. The Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Substance Abuse (DBTSA) manual is written by therapist Lawrence Shapiro and is endorsed by the International Association of Relational Psychotherapists.

For substance abuse, there are physicians, surgeons, psychiatrists, and other health professionals who diagnose and treat people with problems related to substance abuse. But many people don’t realize that this care goes beyond just evaluating and treating patients. It’s almost as important for health professionals to understand the recovery process. After all, they’re helping people learn how to live a sober life after treatment.

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